E-Commerce Development

Application Services

E-Commerce Development

Transforming your idea into an engaging shopping experience requires specialist skills. At Advanced NewAnky Technologies, we have multiple skills to provide a great user experience and guide you through building the online store, shopping cart, payment gateway, product management and administration. And more importantly, we will also help drive traffic to your eCommerce store through proven methods of online marketing and search engine optimization

We pride ourselves as a forward looking organization and our knowledge base and skills are cutting edge with our fingers firmly on the pulse of evolving Technology.

In addition to visual appeal, the ease of use and responsive interaction establishes leadership positions in the world of eCommerce development, eCommerce web design of offshore outsourcing India.

Different Types of E-Commerce Business Models

Business-to-Business (B2B)

B2B stands for Business to Business model. As the most popular eCommerce business model, it is related when one business serves other businesses with their products and services. For instance, office furniture, office rentals, etc.

Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

B2C stands for business to customer. It’s another popular business model, which is related when a business serves customers directly with its products and services. For instance, retail, electronic, consumer durable, or others are a better example of the said model.

Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)

C2C stands for the consumer to consumer eCommerce business model, which is related to the case when customers buy or sell any items for getting a small commission. For instance, eBay is the right option that enables customers to get such an option.

Consumer-to-Business (C2B)

As the name suggests, consumer to business model is related to a business model that lets an individual sell their services to a business or a large organization. For instance, many popular sites like Upwork, Guru, Freelancer, or others let professionals provide their services to businesses.


Business-to-administration is a type of eCommerce business model that is related to a case where an organization and public administration are involved in dealing with each other. The deal takes place online.


This is another business model that is related to electronic transactions regardless of its type, which takes place between consumers and public administration. For instance, education, social security, et

E-Commerce Development

Our eCommerce web developers have practical expertise in the design, creation, and promotion of eCommerce websites to compete and extend the company scope effectively.In order to design an attractive website tailored to your business needs, our e-commerce design team practices agile techniques. We are an e-commerce software company that develops a high-quality website that emphasizes usability, security, performance, and stability using the latest tools and technologies.

E-Commerce Features